
North San Antonio News

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

UTSA Knowledge Enterprise supports 76 faculty members with research travel awards

SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 — Closing out this fiscal year, the UTSA Office for Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprise (REDKE) awarded 76 faculty members with over $85,000 in research-related travel awards. Collectively, UTSA researchers logged over 130,000 miles, covering 22 states and nine countries including Guatemala, France, Mexico, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and Italy.

Complementing similar programs from UTSA Academic Affairs and the colleges, REDKE launched this new travel support program in 2021-22 to help faculty defray the costs associated with their research activities. Travel expenses are often not covered by extramural funding, leaving a gap in faculty member’s ability to travel for scholarly engagements. Dissemination of their research and networking with peers are crucial for professional development. These activities also enhance the institution’s research portfolio and reputation.

“Coming out of the pandemic, where travel was suddenly halted, it was a priority to kickstart faculty research once again.”

“Coming out of the pandemic, where travel was suddenly halted, it was a priority to kickstart faculty research once again,” said Jaclyn Shaw, interim vice president for REDKE. “Some international projects have been ongoing for years, supporting the local economies of certain regions, while new projects couldn’t wait any longer. While the majority of the funds support scholarly research, some of the funds were used to develop critical research relationships with peer institutions.”

More than 60% of the overall funds were given to faculty in the arts and social sciences. While the majority of the funds were used by faculty to present research findings at national and international conferences and other scholarly meetings, a small number were used to engage in independent or collaborative research projects. Some met with program officers at granting agencies to pursue additional funding and professional development opportunities. A few were used to support musical performances and one art installation. UTSA faculty subject matter experts were also invited to speak at the DC-based AI & Quantum conference co-hosted by the MATRIX AI Consortium, BigBear.ai, and the Maryland Innovation & Security Institute.

The research travel awarded for FY22 are:

Ali Atabey

History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Research focuses on seventeenth-century Ottoman Istanbul with a specific emphasis on cross-religious interactions between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

Research trip to Istanbul, Turkey 

Ibukun Awolusi

Construction Science, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Collaborative Research: Improving Students’ Computational Thinking Skills in Construction Engineering and Management

2022 IUSE Summit; Washington, DC

Ibukun Awolusi

Construction Science, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Worker Safety and Health Activity Monitoring in Construction using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Deep Learning

ASCE Construction Institute (CI) and Construction Research Council (CRC) Joint Conference 2022; Arlington, VA

Thad Bartlett

Anthropology, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Collaborative Research in Thailand: Focuses on examining the relationship between forest resources and small ape (or gibbon) population density

King Mungkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT); Bangkok, Thailand

Rebecca Bria

Anthropology, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Temples in Process, not Periods: Reevaluating Narratives of Early Community Practice and Interaction Across North-Central Peru

Society for American Archaeology; Chicago, IL 

James Bray

Psychology, College for Health, Community and Policy

Pregnant and Postpartum Women with Substance Abuse Problems: The PAMPERRS Program

European Congress of Psychology; Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kathryn M. Brown

Anthropology, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Early Maya Communities, Integration, and Creation of Sacred Landscapes: A View from the Mopan Valley, Belize

Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology; Chicago, IL

Krystel Castillo

Mechanical Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Stochastic Modeling for Energy Efficient Supply Chain Networks

Seminar at Anahuac Mayab; Merida, Mexico

Andrey Chabanov

Physics & Astronomy, College of Sciences

Optical Reflective Limiter Collaborative research/measurements at the EU Center of Nonlinear Spectroscopy

Florence, Italy

Oswaldo Zapata Correa

Music, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

South American Music for Trumpet & Piano Lecture Recital

Charlotte, NC

Tracy Cowden

Music, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Cincinnati Conservatory Faculty Concert

Cincinnati, OH

Stacey Davis

Music, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Perception and Performance of Contrapuntal Monophony in Britten Cello Suite

Society for Music Analysis Conference; Newcastle, England

Saugata Datta

Geological Sciences, College of Sciences

Effect of pH and organic matter on soil phosphate dynamics in a tall grass Prairie Ecosystem

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; New Orleans, LA

Bridget Drinka

English, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Excavating Language: Linguistic Connections across Latin, Greek, and Modern European Languages

Urbino, Italy

Jose Morales Escalante

Mathematics, College of Sciences

Panel: Convergence of Machine Learning and Quantum Computing

AI/Quantum Symposium; Baltimore, MD

Kathleen Ewoldt

Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, College of Education and Human Development

How Can High School Students with Disabilities be Enticed to Pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Careers in a Virtual Environment?

GlobalMindED conference; Denver, CO

Jorge Felipe-Gonzalez

History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Cuban Slave Trade

American Historical Association, Annual Meeting; New Orleans, LA

Bryan Gervais

Political Science & Geography, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Does Political Incivility Polarize? Considering the Role of Intergroup Dynamics

Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association; Chicago, IL

Garry (Buster) Graybill

Art & Art History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Two-person exhibition including a monumental outdoor sculpture

R.MUTT in NYC; New York City, NY

Teja Guda

Biomedical Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

HGSE Professional Education

Harvard Graduate School of Education: Management Development Program; Cambridge, MA 

Jamon Halvaksz

Anthropology, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Climate Change and Agriculture along the Upper Bulolo

Association of Social Anthropology in Oceania; Portland, OR

David Han

Management Science & Statistics, Carlos Alvarez College of Business

A brief review of blockchain technology and its implication on the practice of data science

ASA Symposium on Data Science and Statistics; Pittsburgh, PA

Robert Hard

Anthropology, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Stable Isotope Analysis of the Early Agriculture

Society for American Archaeology; Chicago, IL 

Anne Hardgrove

History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Postcolonialism and Sexuality

World History Association; Bilbao, Spain

John Harrichand

Counseling, College for Education and Human Development

Mapping Solidarity, Liberation, and Activism: A Critical Autoethnography of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Leaders in Counseling

Dear Student, Please be Honest! Well, but Not Too Honest: Psychological Safety and Gatekeeping in Counselor Education

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 2021 Conference; Atlanta, GA

Matthias Hofferberth

Political Science & Geography, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Becoming Global Governors. Self-Agentification, Recognition, and Delegation in World Politics

Annual International Studies Association Meeting; Nashville, TN

R. Lyle Hood

Mechanical Engineering, College of Sciences

Session Chair for two sessions and oversee five student presenters

Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and BioTransport Conference; Chesapeake Bay, VA

Jie Huang

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Electro-Osmosis Dewatering and Consolidation: G-I China Scan Tour Overview

GeoCongress 2022; Charlotte, NC

Sue Hum

English, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Advocating For Yet Inadvertently Circumscribing Change: Yellow Peril Rhetoric in Arnold Genthe’s Sympathetic Photographs of the Chinese in Old San Francisco in the late 1890s

Rhetoric Society of America; Baltimore, MD 

Estrada Interiano-Shiverdecker

Counseling, College for Education and Human Development

Foreign-born Counselor Educators’ Profile, Strengths and Challenges

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference; Atlanta, GA

Murtuza Jadliwala

Computer Science, College of Sciences

Panel: AI Ecosystem for the Edge

AI & Quantum Symposium; Baltimore, MD

Murtuza Jadliwala

Computer Science, College of Sciences

Background Buster: Peeking through Virtual Backgrounds in Online Video Calls

52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'22); Baltimore, MD

Yufang Jin

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

American Society of Engineering Education 2022 Annual Conference; Minneapolis, MN

Gerald Juhnke

Counseling, College for Education and Human Development

Teaching Counseling Students to Conduct Suicide Risk Assessments: Meeting the Needs of Your Students in a Post-Pandemic World

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision; Atlanta, GA

Seok Kang

Communications, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Research Presentation: The Influence of Eudaimonic YouTube Videos: Exposure, Involvement, Empathy, Self-Compassion, Depression, and Happiness

International Communication Association; Paris, France

Vikram Kapoor

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Fecal Pollution Source Characterization in Environmental Waters of the Edwards Aquifer

WEFTEC 2021; Chicago, IL

Kasandra Keeling

Music, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

South American Music for Trumpet and Piano Lecture Recital

Greensboro and Charlotte, NC 

Md Shamsad Khan

Communications, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Critical Health Communication Methodologies: Centering Power and Politics in Health Communication

National Communication Association (NCA) Conference 2021; Seattle, WA

Kimberly Kline

Communication, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Critical Health Communication Methodologies: Centering Power and Politics in Health Communication

National Communication Association; Seattle, WA

Catherine Komisaruk

History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Research in Guatemala City (in the Archivo General de Centro America)

Research in government archives; Guatemala City, Guatemala

Andrew Konove

History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Archival research in Making Change: Money, Trust, and Sovereignty in Mexico, 1750-1850.

Archivo General de la Nación and the Archivo Histórico de la Ciudad de México; Mexico City, Mexico

Sandeep Langar

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Online platform to enhance research and funding collaboration among faculty associated with the ASC across the U.S. and Europe (developed in collaboration with construction company Procore and faculty from Colorado State University)

58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference; Atlanta, GA

Chad Mahood

Communications, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Pro and Anti-Gun Control Frames Depicting Mass Shootings: Impact on Fear of Victimization

National Communication Association; Seattle, WA 

Antonio Martinez Molina

Architecture, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

The Impact of Efficient Natural Ventilation on the Indoor Environmental Air Quality: The Case of a Social Housing in Turkey

ARCC-EAAE 2022 International Conference; Miami, FL

Ritu Mathur

Political Science & Geography, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Cyber Racialism & Cyber Nationalism in the Politics of Cyber Arms Control

International Studies Association; Nashville, TN

James McDonald

Communication, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Queering CCO Scholarship: Examining Communication as Constitutive of (Hetero)normative Organizations and Organizing

Queering Organizational Communication Research: Current Trends and Future Directions

National Communication Association; Seattle, WA

Catherine Nolan-Ferrell

History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Migrants or Refugees? Violence and Forced Migration in Southern Mexico and Guatemala, 1950-2000

CIRMA: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamerica; Antigua, Guatemala

Kristen Pellegrino

Music, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

To Teach or Not to Teach? The Impact of COVID-19 on Music Teachers’ Career Decisions

2022 AERA Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA

Megan Piel

Social Work, College for Health, Community and Policy

Fostering Educational Success for Foster Care Alumni: Consistency of Needs and Services

Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference; Washington, DC

Annette Portillo

English, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

A Testimonio on Healing Through Decolonizing Pedagogies

Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS); Denver/Fort Collins, CO

Priya Prasad

Mathematics, College of Sciences

Problematizing the Notion of Rights and Responsibilities in Mathematics Teacher Education, and What’s Missing in the Research Literature on Mathematics Teacher Educator Knowledge?

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators; Las Vegas, NV

Jeff Prevost

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

AI & Quantum Symposium; Baltimore, MD

Zhuolin Qu

Mathematics, College of Sciences

Multistage spatial model for informing release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes as disease control

SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (LS22); Pittsburgh, PA

Rahul Raghavan

Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, College of Sciences

Examining the evolution of pathogenicity in Coxiella to identify novel therapeutic targets

American Society for Rickettsiology 31st Meeting; Greenville, SC

Jeanne Reesman

English, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Mark Twain and God

9th Quadrinneal International Conference on the State of Mark Twain Studies; Elmira, NY

Bonita Sharma

Social Work, College for Health, Community and Policy

Built, Economic, and Natural Capitals' Influence in Health Decision-Making and Gender-Based Outcomes for Women in Nepal

Society for Social Work Research; Washington, DC 

Scott Sherer

Art & Art History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

The Enduring Rupture of Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric

Midwest Art History Society 2022 Annual Conference; Houston, TX

Elizabeth Sooby

Physics and Astronomy, College of Sciences

Nuclear Family Feud: Workshop on Emotional Intelligence

American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting; Washington, DC

Tulio Sulbaran

Construction Science, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

A Review of Genetic Algorithm as a Decision-Making Optimization Tool in Project Management

58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference; Atlanta, GA

Robert Sutherland

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Panel: Quantum Computing Today

AI & Quantum Symposium; Baltimore, MD

Zhongfeng Tian

Bicultural-Bilingual Studies. College of Education and Human Development

Infusing Plurilingualism and Translanguaging into Teacher Education: Successes and Challenges

TESOL 2022 Convention & English Language Expo; Pittsburgh, PA 

Robert Tokunaga

Communications, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Identifying the Mediating Pathways between Pornography Consumption and Condomless Sex

International Communication Association; Paris, France

Matthew Troia

Integrative Biology, College of Sciences

Magnitude-duration relationships of physiological sensitivity and environmental exposure improve climate change vulnerability assessments

Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting; Grand Rapids, MI

Masataka Umeda

Kinesiology, College for Health, Community and Policy

Role of Physical Activity in Relationship Between Exercise-Induced Muscle Pain and Fibromyalgia Symptom Severity

American College of Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting; San Diego, CA

David Vance

English, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Artist in Residence

School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago, IL

Juliet Weirsema

Art & Art History, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Technical analysis of historic map, Library of Congress

Research project with LOC's Research and Testing Division; Washington, DC

Kenneth Walker

English, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Rhetoric, ethics, and knowledge coproduction: Engaging with discourses of transdisciplinarity

Rhetoric Society of America; Baltimore, MD

Melissa Wallace

Modern Languages and Literature, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Invisible researchers: Empowering practicing court interpreters to leverage and co-create scholarly inquiry, and Non-professional interpreting and translation: advancement and subversion

10th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies; Oslo, Norway

Alan Whittington

Earth and Planetary Sciences, College of Sciences

Magmatic Plumbing Samples a Smorgasbord: At Least Four Components in Lava Erupted From Fissure 17, Kilauea 2018

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; New Orleans, LA 

Ethan Wickman

Music, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Performance and Recording of a Major Oratorio

American Festival Chorus and Orchestra; Logan, UT

Hongjie Xie

Earth and Planetary Sciences, College of Sciences

Surface classification of ICESat-2 ATL07 sea ice surface height data in the Ross Sea using machine learning

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; New Orleans, LA

Fang Xu

Chemistry, College of Sciences

Selected participant: develop NSF CAREER proposal

National Science Foundation Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop; Alexandria, VA

Jason Yaeger

Anthropology, College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Peopling the Mopan Valley Landscape: The Legacy of Wendy Ashmore’s Xunantunich Settlement Survey

Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology; Chicago, IL

Francis Yoshimoto

Chemistry, College of Sciences

Application of Organic Synthesis to Shed New Light on Cytochrome P450 Bile Acid Biochemistry

International Conference on Cytochrome P450; Arlington, VA

Xiaowei Zeng

Mechanical Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Computational Modeling and Simulation of Epithelial Wound Healing

19th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Austin, TX 

Tianou Zhang

Kinesiology, College for Health, Community and Policy

Mechanical Engineering, Margie and Bill Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design

Benefits of Qigong Mind-body Exercise On Salivary Biomarkers, Physical And Mental Health In Older Adults

American College of Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting; San Diego, CA

— Sarah Hada

Original source can be found here



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